Once in a lifetime you come across an individual who exceeds all expectations, and you know this person will be doing special things with his or her life. Unfortunately, Jason Oliver's life ended much too soon. In Jason's short time on this earth he touched many lives, and through their generous support, the Jason Oliver Memorial
Scholarship was established.
This endowed
fund is held at the Oregon State University Foundation and will create an
opportunity to promote the education of future turfgrass managers while
honoring the memory of another.
Recipients will be undergraduate and graduate students who
carry a GPA of 3.25 or above and are studying in OSU’s turf management program
within the department of horticulture in the college of agricultural sciences.
Jason Oliver had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and education. He met every
learning opportunity with excitement and passion. Jason wanted to be the very
best in everything he pursued. His ability to rise to challenges and excel
in the classroom and on the golf course (be it playing golf or working on the
course) was extraordinary for a person of his age. With hard work, a positive
attitude and his persistent nature, Jason put himself through college on
scholarships alone. His efforts paid off as he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a
3.83 GPA.
During his
employment at Stanford, Jason continued his dedication to the golf industry by
serving on the Assistant Superintendent Committee of the Golf Course
Superintendents Association of America, as well as serving as the Assistant
Superintendent Director for the Northern California Chapter of the GCSAA Board
of Directors.
Jason was well
on his way to reaching his dream of becoming a Certified Golf Course
Superintendent. He also wanted to become the youngest president in the history
of GCSAA. He is greatly missed by family and friends, but his hard work and passion can live on in perpetuity through this
College of Ag Dean’s List: 2003-2007
Graduation honors: Magna
Cum Laude
USGA Green Section Intern
Chick Evans Caddie
GCSAA – Allan MacCurrach Scholarship
Trans Mississippi Turfgrass
Royal Oaks Country Club – Vancouver, Wash.
Pronghorn Golf Club – Bend, Ore.
Cornerstone Golf Club – Montrose, Colo.
The Olympic Club – San Francisco, Calif.
Stanford University Golf
Course –
Palo Alto, Calif.
If you wish to contribute,
please make your check payable to “OSU Foundation” with Jason Oliver Memorial
Scholarship on the memo line. Address: 850 SW 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97333
For more
information, contact OSU Foundation Development Officer Jack Holpuch at jack.holpuch@oregonstate.edu or 541-737-9636.